The Kayak Coach are pleased to confirm that we will once again be providing on the water fun & adventure at both Elderflower Fields & Into the Trees Festivals at Pippingford Park. Please find more info & details on booking below:

Elderflower Fields Festival - Kayak & Canoeing
Elderflower Fields is an award winning three day festival, designed especially for families with children. A wild weekend adventure, packed full of music, sports, nature and the arts, all set in the heart of the beautiful Sussex countryside. The Kayak Coach will be on site throughout the festival offering Family Kayaking Experiences as well as rental & hire for family fun.
Elderflower Fields - Kayak & Canoe Rental Elderflower Fields - Family Kayaking
Into the Trees - Family Kayaking
Missing from our lives more than anything is time spent outdoors in nature… Into The Trees takes you on a fascinating journey through one of the South East’s most unique landscapes. A chance to relax and explore our natural surroundings with your family, connect with nature and camp out under the stars.The Kayak Coach will be on site throughout the event offering Family Kayaking Lessons.
Into the Trees - Family Kayaking